
Yacht Style Awards 2024
Best New Marina in Asia ‐ Lantau Yacht Club
我心们很荣幸地获得了2024年度亚洲最佳新游艇码头奖项,该奖项由备受推崇的游艇媒体《Yacht Style》颁发。 这项荣誉表彰了我们的卓越成就。
《Yacht Style Awards》作为一个国际平台,旨在认可和庆祝世界各地的游艇码头。出色的表现和对卓越服务 赢得了这个当之无愧的荣誉。

LUXlife's esteemed Nautical Tourism Awards
Best Super Yacht Marina - Hong Kong in 2023
We are proud to announce that Lantau Yacht Club (LYC) has been awarded the prestigious title of Best Super Yacht Marina - Hong Kong in 2023.
This recognition comes from LUXlife's esteemed Nautical Tourism Awards, which provides LYC with ample opportunities to showcase their hard-earned achievements.
The Nautical Tourism Awards serves as an international platform that offers valuable third-party recognition to marinas around the world. It is dedicated to driving nominations and accepting votes from industry players, stakeholders, and participants across the entire spectrum of the nautical tourism industry.

Marina Industries Association
「5 金锚奖」
Lantau Yacht Club的游艇码头根据香港政府严格建筑要求及按照最高标准建造,防波堤和所有基础设施的设计和建造均以可承受极端天气为目标。
Lantau Yacht Club 岸上和水上的高标准设施得到行业的认可,包括 Marina Industries Association 授予我们 「5 金锚奖」。

148泊位 | 38超级游艇泊位

- 泊位由10 到60 米不等
- 仪表控制岸电(最高380V,600A,3相)
- 仪表控制供水
- 最阔混凝土浮趸达5米,足够让高尔夫球车双程行驶
- 码头紧急通讯系统
- 黑水和含油舱底水泵出、燃料站及补给
- 泊位支援
- 二十四小时码头保安及闭路电视

- 码头管理
- 服务预订
- 会面区
- 点对点交通
- 机场接送
- 直升机停机坪
- 信息板